Regal Watch Oil Pastel 24x32
Regal Watch is an oil pastel, recently entered in the 71st Annual Member Exhibit of Grosse Pointe Artist Association and was juried by Phil Vanderweg. Regal Watch was awarded the Virginia Thibedeau Memorial Award, for drawing or pastel. Whee, I am thrilled for this confirmation. There are not many ways for artists to know they have done something 'right'. Art, afterall is subjective and relative. It's personal and as the heading to the pastel below says "one man's trash is another man's treasure".... if your car breaks, you fix it, it runs, you know you did good ....it is not that easy in the subjective art world. It often happens like this ~ if you do an art piece, you show it, it's rejected from a show, you wonder what you did wrong .... if you show the same art piece in another exhibit, it is an award winner, you are confused but very PLEASED. All this is to say, awards to me are not silly fluff. They confirm that for the moment, someone else believes you have "done something right".