Lets' do a total turn around ... no more snow, beautiful blue sky, different farm and family ... While driving back forth, back forth from Michigan to Bryan, Ohio I like to study the unencumbered open sky and tranquility of flat farmland. I see patterns of shape and color rather than winter wheat, soy beans and corn. The stretch of turnpike between Toledo and the Bryan exit is one huge patchwork quilt. Each shape is a new color and piece in the blanket.
As soon as I make the turn from turnpike toll booth to the straightaway toward the west, I feel calmed and freshened. For me it's the landscape and the open sky. Hoping the same will happen to you, I offer this pastel for viewing - Another Man's Treasure. I will not be surprised if your story and feeling for the scene is far different from mine, because I often hear "what DO you see in those run down old farms, anyway?" ... my answer is "Everything".
~ One man's trash is another man's treasure.