Monday, March 4

Accepted in the Juried Michigan Area Exhibition SIZE MATTERS

Soul Mate
oil pastel  
30x26, matted and framed  
Chroma Therapy
oil pastel
31x 26, matted and framed

Two oil pastel works have been accepted in the Michigan area exhibition, SIZE MATTERS.

The show's parameters state that the dimensions of the works submitted should be so big or so small that the image becomes abstracted to the human perspective. Artists were asked to submit work smaller than 8x10 or larger than 16x20.
Chroma Therapy and Soul Mate easily fit within the parameters of the exhibition. Both present small objects in abnormally large scale.  Because size and color elements  in my oil pastels have been enhanced and changed, I invite the viewer to reevaluate and reintroduce themselves with what they traditional thought of as "delicate butterfly" and "little yellow pear".  If you go, HAVE FUN.... see you there.