The Pinnacle
Framed Pastel
28 x 23
Most residents in Metropolitan Detroit recognize the nearly 100 year old iconic Grosse Pointe Yacht Club bell tower as a familiar and friendly landmark. Many boaters know the sight well, and use it as a majestic visual navigational point on Lake St. Clair, between the great lakes of Huron and Erie.
Summer activities thrive at the GPYC. But, the fall and approaching winter season herald the anticipation of many grand and glorious events held in the ball room below that incredible tower. The evening sky on such brisk autumn evenings looks much like it does in The Pinnacle, a favorite pastel I have pictured above.
These crisp evening sunsets present stunning backdrops for the stately tower of the GPYC. Such will be the case in mid November, when holiday season begins with the HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE and SALE. Champagne will flow on the opening night, November 14. My works, as well as goodies from other creative and unique artisans and boutique owners, will be on display and for purchase. JOIN ME UNDER THE PINNACLE ~ November 14 and 15, 2012.